ABOVE: Jim O’Rear And Scout Taylor Compton (ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEEN).
The Full Moon Tattoo And Horror Festival (Nashville, TN) has come and gone, once again, in a flurry of activity. This is, traditionally, one of the most fun conventions of the year and the 2010 show did not disappoint.
ABOVE: Jim O’Rear, Terrance “Graverobber” Zdunich (REPO: THE GENETIC OPERA, and Daniel Taylor (RETURN OF THE SWAMP THING).
The show started for me on Thursday night when my friend Terrance “Graverobber” Zdunich (REPO: THE GENETIC OPERA) flew into town early. We grabbed some dinner and caught up before both of us had to take off to other meetings planned for the night. One of those meetings, for me, was with a friend I hadn’t seen in probably 17 years, Bryan Wilson. Bryan was a co-producer with me on a television show we created 20 years ago (UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT) that ran for a couple of years in various markets. Being the 20 year anniversary… it was time to “get the band back together,” as Jake or Elwood might say. We were going to use the Full Moon convention to start working on a new documentary about the television show, appropriately titled UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT: THE MOVIE, and film as much as possible between convention events. But, I digress… more about this film in a different blog at a later time.
ABOVE: Caroline Williams (TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2) Finds A New Toy To Play With.
This year’s event included appearances by Dee Snider (TWISTED SISTER, STRANGELAND), Scout Taylor Compton (ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEEN), a TEXAS CHAINSAW 2 reunion with Caroline Williams, Bill Moseley, and Bill Johnson, Scream Queen Debbie Rochon, Ari “Jason” Lehman (FRIDAY THE 13TH), Richard “Jason” Brooker (FRIDAY THE 13TH 3), Terrance Zdunich (REPO: THE GENETIC OPERA), Daniel Taylor (RETURN OF THE SWAMP THING), horror artist Billy Tackett, Doug “Pinhead” Bradley and Ashley Laurence (HELLRAISER), Ken Foree (DAWN OF THE DEAD, DEVIL’S REJECTS), wrestling legend Al Snow, and many more. Of course, as usual, the event also included lots of tattoos and horror film screenings.
ABOVE: Jim O’Rear, Ari “Jason” Lehman (FRIDAY THE 13TH), and Bryan Wilson.
Before the show began, Bryan and I sat down for lunch with Ari Lehman (FRIDAY THE 13TH) and the always pleasant Robert Logue (CYPOCRYPHY), swapping funny stories… especially one where Ari gave us the TRUE history of Jason Voorhees (watch for more in UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT). After a great lunch it was time for work!
ABOVE: A zombie has lunch! Where’s the brains???
Friday got off and running as guests and vendors arrived for set up. The ramp-up to events on Friday is a nice, even build which allows you, as a guest, to get settled in and have a chance to greet old friends (thank you for the BIG hello hug, Ashley Laurence!). David Polk, another member of the UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT cast/crew, helped man the table as we greeted show attendees and began filming the documentary.
ABOVE: Dee Snider (STRANGELAND), Jim O’Rear, and Debbie Rochon (AMERICAN NIGHTMARE).
After a hectic Friday, it was time to unwind. And, what better place than Waffle House!!! Yes… in honor of Gunnar Hansen (a die-hard W.H. fan)… Bryan Wilson, Daniel and Ami Taylor, Billy and Heather Tackett, and myself went to grab a late-night snack. Before crashing for the night, however, we were treated by Daniel Taylor rapping out his favorite Lil Jon song and, I must say, Daniel has mad skills!
ABOVE: Jim O’Rear with the cast from TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2… Bill “Leatherface” Johnson, Caroline “Stretch” Williams, and Bill “Chop Top” Moseley.
Saturday we woke up to weather reports of severe thunderstorms and tornados. Great! When were these storms predicted to hit Nashville? Exactly when the show was scheduled to open for the day! Great, again! Although the storms did sweep through during the day, they weren’t all that bad… only leaving us without power for about 1.5 hours. The blackout may sound like a bad thing, but it gave convention attendees the rare opportunity to be in a dark room with Pinhead, Leatherface, and Jason… a nightmare come true, for some!
ABOVE: Scout Taylor Compton taunts Ken Foree (DAWN OF THE DEAD) with her artwork, which demands he dance!
One of the events scheduled on Saturday was a screening of REPO: THE GENETIC OPERA (a brilliant film, if you haven’t seen it already) with a live shadow cast… as in the tradition of ROCKY HORROR. This event was packed and they had to bring in more chairs from the hotel to seat the crowd. Gotta love REPO!
ABOVE: Bryan Wilson, Daniel Taylor, and Jim O’Rear are THE TRINITY OF PAIN.
As things got goofier during the day it was time for the Trinity Of Pain to make their Full Moon debut. The Trinity (a trio of characters created for a future show) consists of Arch Bishop Bryan (Bryan Wilson), Reverend Jim (myself), and Rabbi D (Daniel Taylor) who go forth and help you with your personal problems… whether you want their help or not! Shenanigans ensued once the Trinity arrived on the scene (of course this was filmed for UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT, as well). Here are a few photos from the Trinity’s brief appearance at the Full Moon show…
ABOVE: The Trinity try to drive the demon from actress/model Stacey Dixon’s body.
ABOVE: The Trinity kidnap Scout Taylor Compton (ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEEN)
ABOVE: Caroline Williams (TEXAS CHAINSAW 2) wants to know what’s under skirt!
ABOVE: The Trinity are available to save wrestling legend Al Snow.
ABOVE: The Trinity interrupt Sideshow Bennie’s show, as his material was objectionable in their eyes.
ABOVE: The Trinity loves zombies!
It was a full day of film screenings, tattooing, performances by Sideshow Bennie and Aron Houdini, belly dancers, costume contests, tattoo contests, and more. It was also my pleasure, on Saturday, to do an interview with Infernal Dreams (www.infernaldreams.net) and run into old friends from Macabre Mansion (www.macabremansion.com).
ABOVE: Wrestling legend Al Snow shares nuggets of wisdom.
After 12 hours on the showroom floor it was time to unwind. Several of us went to the bar to hang out for awhile, including Terrence Zdunich, Al Snow, Daniel and Ami Taylor, Billy and Heather Tackett, Bryan Wilson, David Polk, the fine folks from Macabre Mansion, and others, and were met there by Ken Foree and Scout Taylor Compton who were, of all things, discussing strip clubs! Al Snow entertained us with knowledge he’s collected over the years about women… making sure that my son, Brandon (whom Al refers to as his “traveling companion Bucky”), understood all of the complexities involved. This brought about loads of much needed laughter after a busy day on the convention floor.
ABOVE: Ken Foree (DAWN OF THE DEAD)… new spokesperson for Chop Top!
Sunday (known as “The Hangover Day” among conventioneers) allowed us to shoot more footage for UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT: THE MOVIE (with brilliant performances delivered from Caroline Williams, Scout Taylor Compton, Bill Johnson, Jeff Preston, Ari Lehman, Terrance Zdunich, Daniel Taylor, Doug Bradley, Al Snow, and many others). Debbie Rochon and I also did an interview with Macabre Mansion. The day flew by, bringing with it lots of fun.
ABOVE: Daniel Taylor (RETURN OF THE SWAMP THING) does his Highlander impression.
Unfortunately, all good things must end. As the show closed everyone said their goodbyes as Debbie Rochon and I packed up and headed out to film cameos in two different movies (DARK WOODS and THE ZOMBIE MOVIE… more info to come in a future blog). I’d like to thank Ben & Stacey Dixon for asking me to appear at their show again this year. It’s always a great time and a wonderful show! Can’t wait to see what surprises it brings next year.
Thanks for reading,